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Car accidents are all too common. According to the Department of Transportation, there were 8,746 fatal crashes in 2019 alone, and about 17% of drivers involved were speeding. If your employment involves being on the road in any way, it's important to be informed about how to proceed if you're in a collision. In the event that you were injured in a car accident during work hours, you may actually need to contact a workers comp lawyer, not a car accident lawyer. Read on to learn more about some cases where a car accident is a workers comp claim.
There are many members of the workforce whose employment involves large amounts of time behind the wheel. Let's say you drive a delivery truck for a living, and while making a delivery, you have an accident that results in a personal injury. It would be best if you had a workers comp lawyer because you were injured while on the clock and completing the responsibilities of your job.
On the other hand, let's say you are a delivery driver injured on your way to begin your shift. In that case, you may not file a compensation claim because it was before you started your work day. An experienced attorney can help you make sure you're handling the situation properly.
What if you are not a professional driver, but your employer asks you to do them a favor and drop something off at the bank? You are using your vehicle to do so. On the way, you are in a car accident. Do you file a workers comp claim, or should you file a car accident claim?
In this scenario, you may qualify for workers comp. Even if you don't normally drive as part of your duties, it's possible to be in an accident while traveling between work sites, transporting a fellow employee, or during a work-approved trip. It would be best if you had a workers comp lawyer to help you navigate this situation.
Filing an insurance claim properly can be confusing and overwhelming if you are unfamiliar with the system. Before you file anything, speak with an experienced workers comp lawyer that can review your case. Call our team at Curtis, Porter & Adams, PLLC today to receive expert guidance when dealing with your case.
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